We'd like to hear your thoughts!
Send us an email at info@tnscore.org with ideas, insights, or questions about this goal set. Collaboration is critical to achieving these goals.
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These are achievable goals. Tennessee has rallied around its students so many times in the past, and we know that we can come together again to ensure they are prepared for success in the classroom, in their chosen careers, and in life. If you're ready to engage in this work and help make progress on these goals, please share your information below and watch for updates and action steps to come. Most of all, thank you for your investment of time and talent in these critical efforts that can change the lives of Tennessee students for decades to come.
Learn More About Tennessee SCORE
The State Collaborative on Reforming Education (SCORE) is an independent, nonprofit, and nonpartisan advocacy organization. Our mission is to catalyze transformative change in Tennessee education so that all students can achieve success. Striving to be a durable partner and trusted advisor on Tennessee education, SCORE is focused on advancing change for students from kindergarten to career through policy and practice — and taking it to scale.